2023 end-of-year fundraiser


The women-led revolution in North-East Syria offers hope and inspiration in a world plagued by violence and oppression. Through its grassroots institutions of direct-democracy, women’s liberation, multiculturalism, cooperative economics, and ecology, Rojava stands as living proof that another world is indeed possible.

ECR was founded to raise awareness about this important movement, and bring people together to support it. Through popular education and grassroots advocacy, we are working to strengthen the bonds of solidarity between communities in the United States and communities in Rojava.

We need your help to scale-up our solidarity work over the next year, by expanding our outreach efforts and broadening our membership base.


To show our gratitude for your support, donations will be matched with special thank you gifts. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which makes your donations TAX DEDUCTIBLE. We can not ship gifts outside of the United States.


After resisting years of unceasing war and occupation brought by ISIS and Turkey, Rojava is once again under attack. In October Turkey destroyed much of the region’s civilian infrastructure through a massive bombing campaign, resulting in civilian deaths and disruption of vital services. Leaders of the women’s movement continue to be victims of targeted assassination. In times like these, Rojava must not stand alone.

Over the last year, ECR has been busy organizing speaking events and study groups, building new bridges with labor unions and social movements, coordinating with on-the-ground journalists, spreading the word with articles and podcast interviews, and forcefully calling on the US government to end military aid to Turkey.


Too many people have still never heard of Rojava, and for those who have, there are too few opportunities to get involved. That is why sustaining and expanding our work is so important. Reaching our goal of $10,000 by the end of this year would help us secure the resources we need to deepen our community engagement, organize public events, sustain a part-time staff member, and further develop our base of supporters.

Join us in the spirit of internationalism, and help us build the solidarity movement Rojava needs and deserves!

NOTE: ECR is a US-based organization and we do not send any money or goods to Syria. All funds collected will be used exclusively to support our education and advocacy work in the United States.