About Us
Rojava, March 2020.
The Emergency Committee for Rojava was initiated by five concerned observers who have been following the Rojava experiment in feminism, pluralism, democracy and environmentalism from its beginnings. The open letter published on this website, and in The New York Review of Books (NYR Daily) on April 23, 2018, was primarily intended as an organizing tool in order to encourage and help facilitate coordinated action to end the occupation of Afrin and support autonomy for Rojava.
We aim to stop Turkey’s ongoing attacks and human rights violations against the Kurds and other minorities because this region provides an extraordinary beacon of hope and democracy in the Middle East and beyond. Founded on women’s liberation, ecological sustainability, and direct democracy, Rojava’s political system provides a dramatic alternative to the status quo values of patriarchy, capitalism, and the nation-state that define the Middle East and much of the world.
Our Structure
The ECR is a membership organization, initially comprised of a national steering committee and committees in formation. We are building a national network of groups, individual members, and supporters.
Local or campus-based chapters can be started in coordination with the ECR steering committee.